Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fundy Coastline

Saturday, July 25, 2009
We made it to our hotel last night, although the fog was so thick we could barely see in front of us. Our cabin is really clean, and very cute. The girls are in heaven because there are bunkbeds so they were asking to go to bed early just so they could sleep in their bunks!

Today we journeyed along the Bay of Fundy Coast and Hopewell Rocks Park. The tides are incredible…we went in the morning and walked on the ocean floor and investigated the Flowerpot rocks with trees growing out the top. We explored the park, had some lunch and returned at high tide to see the water at the top of the rocks. It was a sight to see!

We did a lot of nature walks today and enjoyed the fresh ocean air and beautiful trees.
Mikhaila and Zoe both enjoyed just throwing rocks into the water and having the ocean tickle their toes.

On the way home we sang songs about Canada and marveled at the beauty of our country.

We stopped in a small town named Alma and did our daily ice cream break while walking the dock and seeing lobster traps all over the place.

In the evening we went to the Park centre and learned about Salmon and how they are on the endangered species list. We also had a great time learning about the night sky and the different constellations linked to the Bay area.

Some direct quotes from the group:

Zoe – My favourite part was petting Rusty the dog, (we met a lovely family from New Brunswick who were kind enough to let Mik pretend that their Golden retriever was hers, and Zoe bravely petted it).

Mikhaila - My favourite part was doing the ziplining at the Fundy park

Mary - I enjoyed the tides of Fundy Bay – it was a very interesting experience!

Oliver - I really liked the vistas as we drove along the coast…very beautiful.

Tomorrow we are off to PEI…New Brunswick has been lots of fun…we are off to Anne Country!

1 comment:

  1. We just read your travel blog again and I (Oma) wish I could be there. Your description of the beautiful Eastern Provinces brings back fond memories of our trip. The people are lovely, the scenery is amazing and it is good for the soul to see this beautiful country of Canada. I can well understand that you all feel patriotic. Today is Mikhailas 8th birthday and we send Happy Birthday greetings and wishes for a special day. Hugs and Kisses from all of us.
